Monday, 28 February 2011

Thanks thanks thanks

Whilst sitting in bed all day today with the flu, heating on, blinds down, rain on my windowsill , trying to find inspiration to design our AW. I  came across a lovely blog, which some how made me appreciate this day a little more, and has inspired me to start a little thank-you note book of my own.

Leah Dieterich's mother always told her to write thank you notes. So she does. To everything. thxthxthx is her daily exercise in gratitude.
There’s always something to be thankful for. From the important things like Songs You’re Embarrassed to Like, and Heavy Eyelids that Tell You When You Need to Sleep, to friends and family, love and loneliness, light and darkness, Leah Dieterich sets out to acknowledge them all. thxthxthx is her daily exercise in gratitude.

check out her blog

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