Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Inside the house of... Tinna

How did you and Michelle meet?
Michelle booked me for her first ever Goldie editorial shoot and we just clicked and have been good friends ever since.

What do you do?
Model and have done a few short films

Where did you grow up?

Favourite pieces of clothing?
My Alexander McQueen fur coat.. keeps me warm and happy during the winter

Best bargain find?
My black ankle boots I found at an antique market

Best gift/advice you’ve ever received?
Stay true to yourself and follow your heart

New or vintage? - vintage

Designer or high street? - bit of both

OJ : Bits or smooth? - smooth , hate the bits

Brights or pastels?- pastels

Summer or winter? - I love the summer but for dressing up I prefer winter

Breakfast or Dinner? - dinner, I never wake up early enough for breakfast

Books or magazines? - books for sure

Minimal or Cluttered? - cluttered

At Home or Abroad? - I travel a lot so I guess home

Dogs or Cats?- kittens

Where do you spend most of your clothes budget?
Probably in Topshop and vintage shops

Who or what inspires your choices in the morning?
It depends on what kind a mood I’m in? If it’s really early then i just throw anything on because I’m always late.

When did you settle into your style?
Couple of years ago .. It all happened after a bad break-up.

What is your favourite thing in your home?
My bed

Why do you like living in London?
The whole music and fashion scene here in London is so amazing gives the city such a good vibe.


  1. We've got a lot in common! Lovely interview!


  2. Amazing pics, lovely interview! ♥

    XO, Imke

  3. Stay true to yourself and follow your heart is something that I usually say!
    Come and visit my blog and if you like it and find it interesting then why dont we follow each other!
    ♥ Love,

  4. j'aime les photos! Superrr..
    Angela Donava
